Sounds and Tools
for Video Editors
We provide tools that help incorporate
music into video projects, making the process of editing music within video software more
efficient and exciting​​.
Create a free account and test it yourself.​
(free for clients)

Slice Music
Music Slicer


Manual Slice
Space Holder
Slice your song using the Space Holder tool
and use it to adjust images to the beat.
Slice your song into individual sections such as Intro, Chorus, Verse and Outro.
Move, loop, copy or delete sections directly in Videosoftware.​
Re-arrange music and create short sequences in minutes.
Apply uprisers to create more natural transitions and rising tensions, emphasize specific parts or create a decisive ending to the song.
The Analyzer will display sounds that match your uploaded song accordingly.

Examples Sound Library


• Free access for clients
• All options are set to one time purchase by default
• Unlimited usage in any project
• music as one time purchase
Access Free
✓ free library
✓ bpm detector
✓ key detector
License covers
• All social platforms
• Websites
• Client work
• Paid ads
• Podcasts
• Broadcasts & TV
All features
for 1 month
13$ / month
✓ full tool library
✓ bpm detector
✓ key detector
✓ music slicer
License covers
• All social platforms
• Websites
• Client work
• Paid ads
• Podcasts
• Broadcasts & TV
All features for 24 hours
5$ / 24H
✓ full tool library
✓ bpm detector
✓ key detector
✓ music slicer
License covers
• All social platforms
• Websites
• Client work
• Paid ads
• Podcasts
• Broadcasts & TV
Create a free account and test it yourself.​